Platform: How it works
See how Luther Systems engages with customers and deploys its platform from zero to production through the following steps
1. Mapping the process [Luther & Enterprise]
2. Identifying process participants with separate operations [Luther]
3. Allocating nodes (servers) to participants [Luther]
4. Adding the Luther Stack to each node [Luther]
5. Connecting each node to each participants’ software systems [Luther]
6. Development of business logic [Enterprise]
7. Deployment into production [Luther]
1. Process Mapping [Luther & Enterprise]
Luther works with the enterprise to map the complex process. For mapping the process we require:
2. Identify participants with separate operations [Luther]
Luther identifies the operationally separate participants. These are teams which have separate operations and can make independent decisions about their operations and technology.
3. Separately allocate node (server) to participants [Luther]
Luther allocates a node (servers) to each separate participant. This can be set up on the enterprise’s public cloud, private cloud or on premise. For this Luther provides the infrastructure modules required to set up these environments by the enterprise developers.
4. Deploy [Luther Stack]
Luther providers the Luther stack, which includes the infrastructure and platform modules and containers, for developers to download, install, and configure the nodes. This is detailed comprehensively on the Luther documentation website. This includes setting up:
5. Luther Standard Connectors [Luther]
Each participant has a number of software systems it operates. Luther provides a set of standard connectors from each node to the various software systems for each participant.
Luther Standard Connectors Deployment
Deploying the connectors removes the need to spend time writing custom integrations.
6. Develop Business Logic [Enterprise]
Finally everything is ready and set up for enterprise developers to develop the process business logic within the development environment.
7. Deploy into production [Luther]
Push your business logic changes to Git for review. Once your code passes the functional tests and is merged then it is automatically deployed to the environment.