The future might be closer than you think - for once.

We all hear the stories, but a lot of technological developments get lumped into the “will happen in the future” bucket and are filed away in a person’s temporary mental graveyard. Like Schrodinger's digital transformations, they both will or will not come to fruition, so why bother being invested just yet?
I for one was guilty of scowling at my back to the future II DVD in 2015 asking Marty McFly where the hell my hoverboard was?
The whispers around decentralized technologies, blockchain, crypto, the metaverse etc…. Have grown into a hoard of megaphones impossible to escape. Yet the full adoption of this latest wave of digital transformation is still, for too many, in their “will happen in the future” bucket.
This might be partially explained by the conversation remaining too narrow. Too much focus is centered on understanding the operational feasibility applied to specific applications and not on the possibilities unique to the tech itself. Much like when Cloud technology was first introduced, despite the recognition it would fundamentally alter the workplace, it almost didn’t sell at all. People simply struggled to recognize precisely how it functioned or the benefits it would bring to businesses. Now, only a fool would refuse to recognize the enormous impacts of cloud computing.
It’s time to zoom out again. Big business has a big problem. When a business process reaches a critical mass (10’s-1000’s of tasks, requiring input from several operationally separate teams), there is no repeatable automation procedure. Leaving thousands of non-standardized complex processes in each enterprise. Frays at the seems bleed inefficiencies like water. Around 20% of our physical water supply never reaches its final destination, but industries under tight regulation can’t have any ‘leakage’. When something escapes the pipe it has to be chased, but when the pipe is so long finding and fixing the crack is an arduous task.
For this, among other reasons, the businesses of today rely on a large workforce with only some software. However, in everyone's “future”, businesses will be interoperable and predominately autonomously operating software. The only way this will ever come to fruition is if we start zooming out. Decentralizing the pipes allows for whole process oversight and control.
Luther Systems has developed a Deep Process Automation Platform that combines cloud computing and resource management with distributed systems connectivity and Smart Contract execution.
How will your business operate when every ‘pipe’ runs itself automatically?
This isn’t the future, this is working now and having real-world impacts. Through Deep Process Automation, the Luther Platform will revolutionize operations. Allowing business days to be about human ideas, not task reminders. A single input of data will be enough to push each process to completion. Automated enterprises dedicated to the refinement of business logic will flip the customer experience on its head and generate improvements to quality of life across the board. After all who wouldn’t rather use the company that takes a tenth of the time and is cheaper? To remain competitive, DPA methodology will have to become standard operating procedure. Luther will be the backbone of this movement - running processes. Thereby allowing the human minds of the business room to think, time to plan, opportunities to explore, research and improve.
Finally…..when we’re finished changing the world, we’ll start working on my hoverboard!